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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  November 2, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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jobless rate from 10% where w. had it skyrocketing and doubled the stock market and your 401(k). is and good president? he brought us through clean four years of scandalless government. you have the weekend to think about it and then vote like your country depends on it, because it does. and that's "hardball" for now. join me sunday night at 5:00 and 7:00 for a special "hardball" with vice president joe biden. "politicsnation" starts right now with al sharpton. thanks, chris, and thanks to you for tuning in. four days until election day. the real clear politics shows president obama with 47.4% in national polls, mitt romney has
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47.3% the new york times 538 blog says that if the election were held today, the president would win 303 electoral votes and romney would win 235. 270 are needed to win the white house. the times blog gives the president an 81% chance of winning the election. romney has a 19% chance. and as of tonight, 25 million people have already voted but long lines are creating a serious situation in some parts of florida. yes, florida all over again. some people are waiting three hours or more to vote and we will be asking why governor rick scott in florida is refusing to extend hours as his predecessors have done. but we start with tonight's
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lead. the closer. just four days to go and president obama is sprinting to the finish line with a passionate pitch to ohio voters and he's doing so by dismantling governor romney's rationale in this race one line of the obama argument, i am the guy you know. >> after four years as president, you know me. you may not agree with every decision i've made, you may be frustrated sometimes at the pace of change, but you know that i say what i mean and i mean what i say. you know what i believe. you know where i stand. you know i tell the truth. and you know i fight for working families every single day as hard as i know how.
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>> we know what this president believes. but governor romney -- >> with these guys, it all depends on who you're talking to, where you are, what time of day it is, what state you're in, what the polls say. how the weather is. it always, always depends, everything depends. i never met more two guys who everything depends more on. i don't know what they are for, ladies and gentlemen. >> mr. romney made changes, too, depending on the weather, but not this president. this week president obama has shown why he is above the man who wants his job and he's made mr. romney seem downright laughable on the issue. >> he promised to be a post partisan president but became the most partisan, blaming, attacking, dividing. >> the most partisan president? someone who is dividing the
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country? what a joke. how about this picture? president obama coming together with a republican governor to tackle the damage from hurricane sandy. need another image, here's another. he's our country leader comforting a jersey resident hit by the storm. need proof of this president being a uniting figure? here's the tape. >> the president has been all over this. the president has been outstanding. i appreciate that type of leadership. >> but it wasn't just that kind of leadership that sets president obama apart in this natural disaster. he exposes how wrong the romney ticket is about the role of government. we're better together, not apart, not alone. and today, yet another romney argument disintegrating. he argued today's jobs report is, quote, a sad reminder that the economy is at a virtual
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standstill. a standstill? we've had 32 straight months of private sector job growth. that's nearly 5 1/2 million jobs. president obama took us back from the brink of an economic catastrophe. that's leadership. that's a heck of a closing argument and what governor romney is offering doesn't even stand. joining me is krystaal ball and alicia menendez. krystal, will we look back and say that this is the week that decided this election? >> i think we will look back and say this is the week that he sealed the deal. if the president came into this week with a lead in the critical battleground states, he came in
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with a little bit of momentum, although things were relatively static. but i do think between the response to hurricane sandy, between the way that governor christie embraced him this week, mayor bloomberg's endorsement, the magazine endorsement and then the jobs number today i think sealed the deal. i think it's the critical piece. as we respond as a country to a natural disaster to a crisis situation, we realize ultimately that we really are in this together. we can't go it alone. we need each other. we are brothers keepers, our sisters keeper. >> alicia, do you think in times to come we will say this is the week that decided the election? >> i think he came in this week as a very favorable position and it's as good as it gets. listen, we knew that the closing arguments would be very much the same as the opening argument, to go back to the economy.
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we hear obama making a case for his last four years, for his economic steward ship and we knew that we'd see romney making the complete opposite case, saying that the policies failed. the good news for the president is that these job numbers really reinforce the narrative that we're headed in the right direction. >> so you don't accept romney's attack on the job numbers that came out, 1070,000 new jobs? >> it's unfortunate but it's an attack they have to make because their entire argument is predicated on this idea that we're headed in the wrong direction. so these jobs numbers were good news for america, they were good news for the obama campaign but bad news for the romney campaign. they take whatever win he had in this bailout. >> krystal, when we look at the polls, the president is up in the swing states, up by 5 in
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wisconsin, more than 4 in pennsylvania, over 2 in ohio, 2 in iowa, and new hampshire and a slight edge in colorado. governor romney is ahead by a little over a point in florida and just barely beating obama in virginia. so if these polls prove right, the president edges out in the swing states and is re-elected? >> exactly. and i would look at iowa and wisconsin. romney has to win one of those states. if he wins ohio, then he has a shot. if he can't get ohio, he still has a plausible path if he can get wisconsin. what has to be really troubling to the romney campaign is we're seeing more and more polling in those states and they are not moving in his direction and the president's turnout particularly in ohio has been very strong, very robust. so i think those two states in particular are going to prove and looking at florida and
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virginia, i still think the president has a very strong chance to win in florida and my home state of virginia as well. i think they could also end up in the blue column. >> well, they have to let everybody vote but i'll get to that later on in the program. alicia, the economic argument where you talked about the jobs numbers and that's what the romney people have to say, well, a lot of that was based on how people felt about the economy. but there's been a huge shift in how people look at the economy when you look at polling, last year this time, only 21% believed the economy would get better the next year. now that number is 45%. last year, 17% thought the economy was headed in the right direction. now 41% believe that. so they are losing the rationale for their argument because people have changed their view on the state of the economy and on where the economy is headed.
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>> agreed but at the same time i don't want to overstate the case because i think you know better than anyone because you're out there on the road, a lot of people are still suffering. >> no doubt about it. >> it's very real and i think this gut feeling is what people are going with. the truth of the matter is, most people have made up their minds and i think you see even based on early voting numbers that they are going with the president for this very reason because his economic argument has been much stronger than romney. you look at a series of battleground states that we've been talking about, whether it be colorado, north carolina, romney is at a point where he has to win over 50% of the remaining votes in each of those states in order to cross the finish line. so i think democrats, to your point, krystal, have done a fantastic job of front ending this. >> i also think that romney has not been able to identify with middle class and working people, that he understands their pain. i agree with you, alicia, that we still have a lot of people in pain. but when i go to the dentist, i feel better when he can find the
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thing. when they have the wrong side of your mouth, you kind of go with the other dentist. but let me bring this to you, krystal, when we look at the fact that this governor has put out this jeep ad that is misleading and the president even went after him today on it. listen to this. >> by the way, when you try to change the facts, just because they are inconvenient to your campaign -- i understand romney has had a tough time here in ohio because he was against saving the auto industry and it's hard to ruchb away from that position saying the words let detroit go bankrupt and i know we're close to an election but this isn't a game. these are people's jobs. these are people's lives. >> now, this certainly resonates in ohio where a lot of people's jobs and outsourcing jobs that
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are not being outsourced for people that need those jobs. this is not funny to those people. >> that's exactly right. and out of everything that the romney campaign has lied about during the election season, this is the lowest of the low for exactly what you're saying. this isn't a game. these are people's lives. it's their livelihood and you're intentionally soaking fear about the fear and intentionally misleading them. the pollster said early on that this is not a campaign that was going to be run by fact checkers and they have certainly lived up to that. not only with this ad but there's another ad that they brought back out that says that president obama ended the welfare work requirement, totally utterly false by every objective source and they have no problem putting it right back out there on the airwaves. >> governor romney says, my closing argument is that i'm the candidate of change.
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watch this. >> the question of this election comes down to this. do you want more of the same or do you want real change and we want real change. >> but let's show the change that he's bringing to the rally, secretary condoleezza rice, elaine chao, bobby jindal, governor tomorrow ridge tom ridge, bush's director of homeland security, rob portman, bush's budget director. some change, alicia. >> medicare, across the board, we're really seeing a reversion back to the way things were and we know what we get from that.
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americans know what they get from that and it's a very weak closing argument to put forward. and i'll tell you one thing where he's different from george w. bush from is on immigration. bush was a lot more reasonable and romney is way further to the right. >> did you ever think that you'd be saying the day george w. bush? >> it is a scary thing. >> you're scaring me. i'm getting frightened krystal ball and alicia menendez, thanks for coming on the show tonight. don't forget to catch krystal right here on msnbc at 3:00 p.m. right now people in florida are waiting two, three, even four hours in line simply to vote. this is a voter suppression and we'll talk about it with the state's former republican governor, charlie crist. plus, mitt romney's hail mary to win the election. is it just a bluff?
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we'll tell you how republicans have tried and failed with it before. also, donald trump is putting his birther hat back on embarrassing himself and mitt romney. you're watching poins on msnbc. begin. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. monarch of marketing analysis. with the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above,
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this is a close election, no doubt about it. we'll talk to campaign expert bob strum. he'll tell us what he sees for tuesday's vote. that's next. ♪
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in these frantic hours of the campaign, both candidates are using every last opportunity to get their pictures to the voters. the president has hit seven battleground states from colorado to florida. mitt romney will also be in seven battleground states to lay out his closing arguments. so what's going on behind the scenes in these final days? what's the real story of the campaign here at the end? joining me now is a man who has been on the inside, bob shrum. he was a former aide to the kerry campaign. his article outlines all of the mistakes that could spell defeat for him on election day.
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bob, thanks for your time. >> good to be here. >> inside the romney campaign there's a desperate attempt to find a route to 270. that's why they are, for example, scheduled a rally in pennsylvania. pennsylvania has been fool's gold for years. john mccain went there at the end of the campaign last time. george w. bush went there at the end of the campaign in 2004. in the end, i think, they can't crack ohio and because they can't crack ohio, they've got to look somewhere else. they are looking are to pennsylvania, minnesota. i don't think they are going to win either of those states. >> now, the campaign's closing argument, we keep talking about closing arguments but they sound very similar to the opening arguments. listen to this. >> i'll lead america to a better place. this is not a time for america to settle. we're four days away from a fresh start. four days away from the fresh
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day of a new beginning. >> america has always done best when everybody has a fair shot and everybody is doing their fair share and everybody is playing by the same rules. that's what we believe. that's why you elected me in 2008 and that's why i'm running for second term as president of the united states of america. >> so we're still basically talking about fairness and about a new direction? >> and the new direction has no content because he can't afford to say, i'm going to take away your mortgage deduction. what's very interesting is that romney always wanted this campaign to be a referendum. you feel bad about the economy, give me a try, i'm a little more moderate than you think. but as the economic numbers have gotten better, as people have watched the president in the last week and it's been an extraordinary week, romney's argument loses its force and it
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also loses its force in states like ohio, the midwest, a lot of these battleground states where the president defined romney throughout this summer and that definition has stuck and that's why i think they can't move ohio. >> now, let's talk about this week. what impact did this week hurricane sandy have on how the president handled this and the jobs number? just the last several days, this week, what is the impact, in your opinion, on this election? >> before i do the politics, your hearts have to go out to people who have lost everything. >> no doubt. and you're hearing more and more stories. >> and the president's response has been extraordinary. i do have to say, who thought the october surprise would be chris christie, who stepped up to the plate, who said what he thought, who said the president was doing an incredible job? and i think the impact of that is real. i think people in realtimes saw barack obama's as president of the united states, saw the same kind of coolness, sense of command that he had when he made the decision to go after osama
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bin laden and i think it's helped him. beyond that, i think you look at the jobs numbers and romney is trying to quibble with it, he's openly rooting for the job numbers to fail. we're on a steady climb upwards. the fact of the matter is, a lot more people think the economy is on the right track than a year ago. that's really important. >> when you contrast that with romney and even today two more ohio newspapers called him out, the youngstown vindicate for writes that the ads are an insult to ohioans and toledo blade says, blasting romney for an exercise in deception about auto industry issues that is
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remarkable even by the standards of this campaign, you have one guy getting blasted for something that he won't pull off the air while the president is in this kind of posture that you've described. >> i think every time those ads run in ohio they hurt romney. i'll tell you why. there are a lot of ads running on those newscasts. they are saying, romney has a false ad. jeep is not moving its production to china. of course, bozo the trump tweeted out the same line, you saw what the vice president of chrysler said, donald trump, you're full of stuff. >> bob shrum, thank you for your time. still ahead, how republicans are using long lines and fewer hours to suppress the vote in florida. it's an important story with national implications. i'll talk solutions with the state's former gop governor,
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charlie crist. a a [ male announcer ] with 160 more miles per tank,
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. have you joined the "politicsnation" conversation on facebook yet? today folks were cheering on the jobs report. even though the gop has the brakes on, the economy is still improving and everyone loved this photo of the president on the campaign trail. as gail says, the baby whisperer
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at work again. susan says, babies know a good person when they see one. we have more pictures from the campaign trail on our facebook page and we want your captions for them. "like" us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. your l. maybe you want to incorporate a business you'd like to start. or protect your family with a will or living trust. legalzoom makes it easy with step-by-step help when completing your personalized document -- or you can even access an attorney to guide you along. with an "a" rating from the better business bureau legalzoom helps you get personalized and affordable legal protection. in most states, a legal plan attorney is available with every personalized document to answer any questions. get started at today. and now you're protected. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you.
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but look at the long line of people. >> you can see the cars off there in the distance. >> down this very long line. these folks are rifgs between 9:00 and 10:00 and their estimated wait is up to four hours. >> i waited for like four hours and then left. >> it should never be this hard just to vote. >> he's right. it should not be that hard to vote. just take a look at this. in some places it takes as long as four hours just to get inside the polling place. democrats are asking governor rick scott to extend voting hours, something other governors have done in the past but governor scott is saying no. today we called to ask why and we're still waiting for an answer. but the head of florida's republican party said, quote, for one side to demand that we break the law because they feel like they are losing. break the law?
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since when is voting breaking the law? decades ago we faced jim crow and the polls. today it's fewer hours and longer lines. but the goal is the same. voter suppression. joining me now is former florida governor charlie crist. he's now an independent. tonight he's introducing former president clinton at an obama rally. governor, thanks so much for your time tonight. >> reverend, it's great to be with you, reverend al. thank you. >> now, let me ask you directly. wouldn't extending voting hours be the right thing for governor scott to do here? you did it in 2008 as the governor of florida and you are republican. what would be wrong with scott doing that today? >> there would be nothing wrong with it, reverend.
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it would be the right thing to do. it's a precious, cherished right and all of us want to have an opportunity to exercise. yesterday i was in miami guard dense in north dade county and the wait was 2 1/2 to three hours. it's unconscienceable to let that go on. the people of florida deserve better and they deserve a right to vote. >> i have been down in florida with the nonpartisan voting and i saw the lines last weekend in miami-dade and broward, all over the state. some waiting as much as three and four hours. we would want people to vote. what exactly is behind this idea of stopping people from voting or not extending the hours, particularly when you set the precedent as a republican yourself in the next general election when you saw long lines? >> the only thing that makes sense is if you want to suppress the vote of people that they
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think might vote for president obama. i mean, one of the other things that you know that they drk reverend al, they took out sunday voting, the sunday before the news day of election day. >> right. >> there's a tradition in the african-american community to go out after church and vote but we did that last sunday. >> now, the other thing that has compounded it is that these ballots in miami-dade are ten page ballots. you're dealing with extensive ballots that take time for people to go through. so people around the country need to know it's not just walking in and choosing a name. these are ten-page ballots with people lined up outside waiting for their opportunities. >> you couldn't be more right. we put 11 amendments on this ballot. it makes it ridiculously long. people get in and start to vote and stay there for a long time because they are trying to read and decipher everything on that ballot and you have to wonder if the intent was to do just that,
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slow people down. but that's where we are right now. i have faith. i have faith that the people are going to do the right thing, that they are going to vote for president obama. they are going to continue to give him four more years and he will continue to heal our nation and he's been a great leader for all of us. >> in 2008 when you extended early voting, governor, you said, i have a responsibility to the voters of our state to ensure that the maximum number of citizens can participate in the electoral process and every citizen can exercise the right to vote. that's what you said when you signed that emergency act. governor, you did it in 2008. governor scott will not do it today. that's why many of us are wondering, is this voter suppression, partisan politics? >> i think it is voter suppression. i think it's ridiculous and unfortunate. my heart bleeds for the people
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of florida. they ought to have the opportunity to exercise this cherished right to vote. we've got to remember, a lot of people fought very hard for people to have that right. some died for it. we ought to respect that. >> i know you've got to go and introduce the president. thank you for talking about this important issue, governor crist. thank you. >> reverend, it's an honor to be with you. thank you. keep up the good work. >> now i want to bring in melissa harris-perry, host of the melissa harris-perry show here on msnbc. melissa, thank you for being with us tonight. >> absolutely. >> what do you make of governor scott's refusal to extend the voting? >> this is clearly a tactic to suppress the vote, to suppress the vote that he believes will benefit president obama. it's the governor's attempt to steal the election.
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the only thing we could care about is fundamentally what is the will of the people? are the people who are voting, be are they legitimate voters? is it their right to cast the vote and do we have every reason to believe and it's absolutely true that it's the will of the voters to cast the vote and the issue of hours, one hour here or there, it's ridiculous for them -- for the governor to act as if this is a law & order issue. this is a basic issue of democracy. >> if people are standing in line, and as you know, i've been in florida half this week. if they are in line for hours, clearly they want to vote and then you start with saying that people are fraudulently using voter i. dd., now you won't eve he can tend the hours to give people a ballot. this is a ballot. ten pages that you have to go through. every voter has to go through this to vote, through all of these pages. now, you've got thousands
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online, you have people trying to read and vote properly so they are supporting what ever amendments and initiatives that they agree. >> exactly. yes. >> all of this to make it more difficult to practice democracy yet we'll send kids out of florida to fight for democracy all over the world and we do this to them at home. >> there is not an american, democrat, republican, oboma supporter who should be anything other than completely disgusted with what is going on in florida right now. this is about a fundamental health of our democracy. this is about a republican elected official being willing to change the outcome of an election, purely based on partisan interest, not based on the protection of the vote. this is about the suppression of the vote. >> and let me be clear, this is not partisan because we just had on a governor who was a
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republican governor in 2008 when president obama was winning who extended the voting hours to protect the rights of the citizens of florida. >> reverend al, they are always talking about how government should be like a private industry. if you're already in there, they might close the door behind you but you'll always be able to finish your purchase. if you are in line when -- the vote at the point in which the polls close, you cut off the line and let the line go all the way through. it's a very simple solution. >> well, maybe not in a democracy business, maybe you assume the store was opened for other reasons. but governor scott, we call to raise the question, you didn't call us back. you don't have to call me back but call the people of florida back and tell them that you're a governor that believes in democracy, extend the line, let people vote, seniors that have
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stood out there all day. let your own citizens vote. melissa harris-perry, thank you. you can watch melissa's show on saturdays and sundays here on msnbc. we will be right back. we're going to talk about donald trump yujumped back on the birtr wagon and it's causing big headaches for mitt romney. while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. prand you're seeing that rightno enequit in amnow.a...ives... over five million new jobs.
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exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's... and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message.
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donald trump is back. mitt romney thinks that will help? that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] don't just reject convention. drown it out. introducing the all-new 2013 lexus ls f sport. an entirely new pursuit.
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the land of falsehoods and extreme ideas. you just passed into the republican zone. >> that's right. a lot of folks on the right have entered an alternate universe, called the republican zone. a bizarre world that there is no resemblance to reality at all. did you know that michael bloomberg endorsed mitt romney yesterday? of course, you and i know that the mayor actually endorsed president obama.
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in the republican zone, karl rove predicts romney will be our 45th president, winning by at least 279 electoral votes, probably more. and the right winger is trying to unskew the poll, have him winning by landslide. look at all of those red states. but they say it's president obama who has the edge on the electoral map. and just today, governor romney stepped into the republican zone to claim the economy is is at a, quote, virtual standstill. this is despite 32 straight months of private sector job growth. these people are living in an alternate universe. but they may wake up to reality. the morning after election day.
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joining me now is e.j. dionne, columnist for "the washington post" and an msnbc contributor and ana marie cox, washington correspondent for "the guardian." thank you both for being here. >> good to be here. >> e.j., is there any method behind the madness? >> well, first of all, i want to say that i can both a nuclear physicist and a major legal baseball player. if you can make it up while you go along, why not. look, on elections it's an old game to say my guy is winning whether my guy is winning or not. they've launched a huge campaign to discredit nate silver of the "new york times" even though he's one of the best number crunchers and, in fact, used to be a baseball number cruncher. some of it is normal but some of it isn't. i think, in particular, the governor romney's claim that jeep was moving jobs to china
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and people at the plant as president obama said today were worried that their jobs were going to disappear and when you have corporate executives saying, wait a minute, the republican candidate is making stuff up, you really have entered some kind of strange zone at that point. >> you know, ana marie, donald trump got in there. he was questioned on why president obama didn't respond to his $5 million offer for his college records? and trump says, obviously he wasn't born in this country. i mean, bless his little heart, what is he talking about? >> well, obviously, right? my favorite thing about that trump announcement is when he said only a stupid person would believe that obama was not born in the united states. in any case, i think he's calling himself stupid in some way there. which i'm perfectly willing to believe and of course it's just offensive at this point for someone to sort of dangle $5 million in charity as a treat
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for someone who has to prove something he shouldn't have to prove and also at a time when i don't know, is there some cause that's been in the news recently, something that new yorkers could really benefit from if they got some money for it? it's just galling that he would use these arguments. they are preposterous. >> if i could say, one of my favorite moments of the campaign is president obama went on a late-night show and said, what does trump have against you and he said, oh, it goes back to our childhood together in kenya on the soccer field. and i don't know why they are trotting this out. because if mitt romney hasn't wrapped up the birther vote by now, there's no way he's going to win this election. >> well, they have an ad running in ohio that uses abe lincolns as the reason african-americans should vote republican.
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dan says, well, let me let you hear the sound bite. >> okay. >> it is a big lie that democrats are for black americans and republicans are against black americans. abraham lincoln who freed the slaves with the republican. >> abraham lincoln freed the slaves in 1863. this is 2012. somebody might want to tell them to find some republicans, maybe even last -- i mean, this is ridiculous. >> i want to go on the record saying that at this rate i would vote republican for abe lincoln. >> yes, i was going to say that us americans have a lot to owe to abe lincoln. i mean, that person, that republican for sure. but, you know, let's look at the republican party just lately and see what african-americans have to owe them for. would it be voter suppression? i don't know. you've been doing a lot of coverage for that and that's something that would put me in a
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different mind if that was my issue. >> but i think -- and clearly it's so disgusting, it's laughable. but i think what the real point is that they really don't get it. they are in an alternate universe because only people who have stepped out of reality would try things like these ads and the analysis they are giving on pollsters and all. it's almost like they have gone in a zone all to themselves. >> well, you know, reverend, it's really odd that they are using the lincoln thing. because if you look at the map of 2008 and the likely map this year, it's exactly reversed. all of the lincoln states last time and this time are going for barack obama. so there is a line here but it doesn't quite go in the direction that they are suggesting. >> well, do you feel that they will sober up and come back to reality the day after the election and deal with the
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deficit and deal with problems that this country is facing or are we in a permanent state of the republican zone? >> well, i heard a republican -- go ahead, ana marie. >> i was going to say, i hope not. history doesn't suggest that very well. there is something to be said for simply truth and reality. to paraphrase todd akin, facts have a way of shutting that stuff down when it gets too crazy but we have kind of had a crazy election period and a crazy congress and i can only hope that reality settles in, when the dust settles, e.j., i'd love to hear your point of view on that. >> you know, i heard a republican suggest today, and he was worried about this, that if they did lose, they are going to blame the whole thing on hurricane sandy which is a convenient way of getting around what the problems in the party are. >> right. >> and the problems with the romney campaign might have been. i hope they have a big conversation with themselves and actually ask, why did the country turn on them after they turned far to the right.
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>> well, they might look at real issues. e.j. and ana marie, i'm going to have to leave it there. i'm going to have to call my friend donald. thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. tonight, i was honored to interview president obama himself. we'll have part of that interview where we talk about the importance of voting and the key to winning the election. that's next. [ male announcer ] the way it moves. the way it cleans.
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till you finish your vegetables. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8. or...try kids boxes! earlier today i had a chance to interview president obama on my radio show. he spoke about the sporns of getting health care passed and economic plan and also talked about the importance of the vote. remember, there is still active early voting in florida and north carolina, in iowa, and ohio. here's part of the interview
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where the president spoke about voting in the election. >> well, what i'm really happy about is the enthusiasm in voters. there was a lot of talk in this election about maybe the folks who are trying to get me out of office would be more enthusiastic than the folks who want to keep me there. but i think as the campaign season has unfolded and people under the stakes that are involved, young people can go to college and medicare is not turned into a voucher and treating our veterans with the care that they deserve and have earned or when they start thinking about policies creates jobs, i think people understand what the stakes are and my attitude has always been that if our voters turn out, we win. and the key now at this point, in this last weekend, is making sure that the people are turning out. we've still got early vote all
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the way through saturday, all the way through november 3rd in north carolina and florida and then in iowa and ohio people can early vote all the way through monday, november 5th. so i'm just hoping that everybody takes advantage, if you've got early vote and if not, then tuesday come rain or come shine i need people to get out there and cast their ballot and hopefully cast their ballot for a future that is going to be brighter for a lot of people. >> >> the entire interview will air on my show on sunday. the president said he's always thought about this was a more than him. it was about more than him as a person. it was about the world we live in. i think you and i ought to think about this. you're not just voting. you're not just being asked to vote for yourself but for your children, for your children's children, for the


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